8 Tips to Improve Your Physical and Mental Well-Being with Little Money

Greater wellness of mind and body doesn’t require extremely expensive yoga classes, expensive vitamin supplements or prohibitive spa vacations and dream destinations.

Here are some simple steps you can take in your daily life that can help you feel calmer, more comfortable, healthier and happier.

#1. Plants in the home have been shown to help reduce stress and increase happiness.

At a basic level, plants make it easier for you to breathe by increasing the level of oxygen in your home: they absorb carbon dioxide and produce oxygen. In addition, some plants help purify the air by filtering out harmful chemicals. And, of course, the colors of flowers and leaves of plants can illuminate a room and our own mood. What else do you expect from these natural relaxers?

#2. Stay hydrated

We are made of water: this liquid makes up 55% of an adult woman’s body and 60% of a man’s body. We need it to function, so no one will be surprised that staying hydrated can improve our health, raise our energy levels and improve our ability to concentrate.

Drinking enough water during the day is one of the best things you can do for your body and mind.

If you don’t want to drink a lot of water, try adding a touch of natural flavor with a lemon wedge, a slice of cucumber or a little ginger. And if you forget to drink water there are applications that remind you with a notification on your cell phone.

#3. Take care of the order of your house

The state of our home has a huge impact on our mood, how well we sleep and our energy levels. You can start with the bedroom: open the windows for fresh air to circulate, let in so much natural light and tidy up the closets and the space under the bed.

If you want to take it to the next level you can flip through a book about the ancient Chinese tradition of Feng Shui, which literally means air-water. Feng Shui holds that health and well-being can be promoted by examining how the life force, called “qi”, flows through a space. Even if you do not feel the “qi” you will end up with a more tidy and better distributed house.

#4. Reconsider the color of walls

The color of your home’s walls can have a huge impact on your mood. Green, which represents nature, can promote balance, harmony and relaxation.

Blue is a soothing color, so it can work in a bedroom. Avoid red, which can contribute to faster breathing, linked to a faster heart rate and hypertension.

#5. Listen to the song of the birds

It may sound anecdotal but recent research by academics at King’s College London showed that listening to birds singing can improve our sense of well-being for several hours.

If you don’t have birds around, try listening to a recording.

The researchers asked the volunteers to record their mood on an application as they walked through the urban landscape. The results showed that exposure to the singing of birds, trees and the sky had a positive impact that was present several hours later.

Short-term exposure to nature has a measurable beneficial impact on our mental well-being. If you don’t have birds at hand, try listening to a recording of nature, with good headphones, while imagining a walk in the mountains.

#6. Laugh more

A good laugh can release the physical tension of our muscles, improve blood circulation and trigger the release of nitric oxide, which boosts the immune system. Target is to at least have one laugh a day.

A good laugh can also reduce stress hormones and release endorphins, the chemical that makes us feel good and acts as a natural analgesic. So it’s true: laughter can be the best medicine and in fact there are laughter therapies to improve mental health. Spend time with friends who make you laugh, go out and watch comedy, or, if you don’t feel very sociable, you can watch online videos of cats on skateboards or even Tom & Jerry show.

#7. Approach work happily and take a break

The Scandinavian countries – Sweden, Denmark, Finland, Norway and Iceland – are always among the happiest in the world. And they seem to have some great tricks up their sleeves to promote happiness and well-being at work.

Who wouldn’t like a break with coffee and scones? Surely it helps ease tensions in the office.

In Sweden, there is a habit known as fika, which consists of a daily break of coffee and cake – preferably homemade – with co-workers. Apparently, fika is practically an obligatory ritual at work. Why not suggest the same thing to your boss?

After all, a happy team is a productive team.

#8. Sleep More

Rest is as important to our mental and physical health as diet or exercise. Lack of rest can contribute to a weakened immune system, higher levels of stress hormones, anxiety and depression.

Sleep is worth it… make the effort to rest.

At the same time, while we sleep is when our body repairs itself. So strive to sleep better: take care of your bedroom to make it nice and quiet, avoid heavy meals too late, reduce caffeine in the second half of the day and disconnect from the screens before going to sleep: the blue light from the cell phone or tablet can keep you in tensed state.

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