10 Natural Ways for Perfect Skin – Lemon, Aloe, Honey, Exercise & more

You don’t need to go to the market to buy the latest cream from a well-known brand. In fact, creating a routine will ensure you an attractive, luminous, soft, moisturized and enviable skin!

So here are 10 simple tricks to get perfect skin.

Be careful

Perhaps to say this seems obvious. However, in skin care… you must be more than careful! Do not use cleansing lotions or facial exfoliators with too much acid, for example, as they dry the skin too much. Choose the most suitable products for your skin type carefully and, whenever you can, choose natural solutions.

Wash your face with honey

Honey is a very effective natural ingredient for skin beauty, so instead of using a cleansing lotion or special soap and water to remove impurities, take honey and apply a little bit of it to the face. Do the test! You will notice that your skin is naturally clean and soft.

Rinse your face with cold water

When you just get up and go to the bathroom to wet your face to wake up… use cold water! The low temperature of the water is not only the most suitable to quickly wake you up but also promotes a better moisturization to the skin and close the pores. Hot water, if not, makes it drier and scalier.

Dry yourself with a soft towel

Remember one of the points above: be careful! When you’re done rinsing, don’t rub your face hard and rough against the towel. Remember that the skin on your face is very sensitive, so just pat it on the towel and then let it dry naturally.

Use vegetable oils

Other fantastic natural ingredients to have a perfect skin are vegetable oils, such as almond oil, rose hip oil, coconut oil, olive oil. These products moisturize, cleanse and soften the skin in a harmless, natural and, of course, economical way. They’re the best!

Don’t overdo it with alcohol

One of the effects of alcohol consumption on the body is dehydration and, with it, increased dryness of the skin. While a glass of wine after dinner is beneficial for heart care, try not to overdo it with alcohol if you want attractive, bright, healthy skin. Alcohol is a powerful enemy: remember that.

Drink fruits and vegetables shake

Nothing is better for your skin and overall health than a succulent fruit and vegetable shake filled with nutrients and antioxidants. Besides, they’re delicious! Try to drink some fruit and vegetable shakes every alternate day. One option may be a mixture of apple juice, carrot and red peppers.

Eat healthy fruits and vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are the healthiest foods we can find. They provide us with vitamins, minerals and antioxidants necessary for health and beauty, because what we eat has an effect on our appearance.

Try to eat several servings of fruits and vegetables a day; eat them for breakfast or snacks or snack between meals. Don’t forget to drink plenty of water, either. You will notice that your skin will be brighter and more hydrated.

Exercise your body!

Exercise is one of the best habits for better health, a spectacular body and beautiful skin! Because when we sweat, we release toxins and oxygenate our cells.

Exercising twice a week will make your skin look cleaner and softer.

If you can’t go to the gym, go for a walk, jogging, cycling, sports, or whatever you like best. The key is to set the body in motion, burn calories, release tension. In other words, sweating, sweating and… sweating.

Brush your dry skin

Haven’t you ever had a body brushing or dry-skin brushing? This beauty habit is great for having radiant skin from the inside out, as it gets rid of dry and dead skin, increases the circulation and drainage of lymph nodes (yes, it also helps prevent cellulite!).

Before bathing, brush your skin from your feet to your chest with a special brush that you can find at any local store or perhaps your nearest pharmacy.

That’s how you can take care of your skin.

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