Red Nail Theory: The Most Appealing Color

Red Nail Color

TikTok has a new trend that proclaims to ensure you get noticed and become more attractive.

Choosing which nail polish color to wear is more of an intuitive process than a strategic one, as we tend to choose the shade that won’t attract the most attention at the time.

According to color specialists, the shade we put on our nails can actually have a big impact on our mood, energy and relationships. When we wear a color, we tell our nervous system and unconscious what energy we want to attract. And RED is the quintessential color to attract anyone.

Why is red polish so appealing?

The red color is so appealing because it is the first introduction we have to sensuality and we relate it to passion and love. If you think about it, it’s very common that when we were kids we always wanted to paint our nails red and it’s the quintessential color that our moms, teachers and iconic celebrities still apply. Plus, it’s a very versatile color that looks amazing with any skin tone, and hence loved by many.

How True is the Red Nail Theory?

Many women have put this theory to the test and so far, all the reviews say it works as they receive many compliments, especially from men.

Although at the moment there is no exact science to determine how true the attraction for this color can be, it is a trend that arrived some time ago and it is not going anywhere.

Nilam Mehta - Author

Nilam is the owner and writer of She is an experienced pharmaceutical professional and believes that many of the health problems can be cured naturally at home. She enjoys reading scholarly medical journals and gets inspiration to write up-to-date practical information and resources and makes sure all of the articles are of the highest quality. The best way to reach her is via [email protected]

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