Large Breasts? 7 Tips to Select Breast Pump for Larger Breasts

Breast pumps are used to extract milk from the breasts. Breastfeeding mothers can greatly benefit from using breast pumps, as they offer a wide range of advantages for both the mother and the baby.

Breast pumps can be particularly beneficial for women with large breasts for several reasons:

  1. Efficient milk production: Having larger breasts may result in higher milk production, making it challenging to extract milk efficiently. However, using a breast pump can aid in the effective removal of milk and sustain a healthy milk supply. Hand extraction alone may not suffice in such cases.
  2. Comfort: Milk extraction can be difficult for women with large breasts due to positioning and maneuvering challenges that may cause discomfort or pain in the shoulders and back. Fortunately, using a breast pump can offer a comfortable and ergonomic solution that minimizes strain and discomfort during the process.
  3. Support for breastfeeding goals: The advantages of breastfeeding are plentiful for both the mother and baby. However, maintaining an adequate milk supply can be difficult, particularly for women with larger breasts. To achieve their breastfeeding objectives, a breast pump can be utilized to enhance breastfeeding and promote a healthy milk supply.
  4. Convenience: Extracting milk using breast pumps is a convenient option for mothers who are busy or have large breasts and struggle to find a comfortable and private spot for breastfeeding.
  5. Relief for engorgement: Engorgement, which can lead to discomfort and pain, may be more common in women with larger breasts. To alleviate this condition, a breast pump can be utilized to eliminate excess milk and alleviate pressure on the breast tissue.

Overall, using a breast pump can provide numerous benefits for women with large breasts, helping to maintain a healthy milk supply, reduce discomfort during milk extraction, and support breastfeeding goals.

How to Select Breast Pump for Large Breasts?

To ensure that you choose an effective and comfortable breast pump for large breasts, there are certain factors that you need to take into account.

Here are some tips to help you choose the right breast pump for large breasts:

  1. Look for a breast pump with a large breast shield. Using a breast shield that is larger in size can effectively accommodate the size of your breast and ensure that the suction is uniformly distributed across the breast tissue. It can be beneficial to use a breast pump that offers various sizes of breast shields, allowing you to find the best fit for your breast.
  2. Consider a pump with adjustable suction. To achieve efficient milk extraction from larger breasts, a pump equipped with customizable suction settings is recommended. Begin with a lower suction level and gradually adjust it to find the most comfortable and effective level.
  3. Look for a pump with a let-down mode. Using a let-down mode can promote breast stimulation and enhance milk flow, particularly beneficial for extracting milk from bigger breasts.
  4. Consider a pump with a double pumping option. For women with larger breasts, double pumping can be a highly effective method to extract milk with greater efficiency.
  5. Look for a pump with a comfortable and ergonomic design. An ergonomically designed pump can make extracting milk a more comfortable and sustainable experience, reducing the risk of discomfort or strain in your shoulders and back.
  6. Consider the portability and ease of use. When you intend to utilize the pump while on the move or at your workplace, search for a pump that is easily portable and user-friendly.
  7. Talk to a healthcare provider or lactation consultant for personalized advice. If you have large breasts and need help selecting the appropriate breast pump and using it efficiently to extract milk, seek assistance from a healthcare provider or lactation consultant. They can offer personalized recommendations and advice.


It is crucial to understand that relying solely on a breast pump may not be sufficient in establishing and sustaining a nourishing milk production. It is advisable to collaborate with a healthcare professional or lactation expert in creating a holistic breastfeeding plan for individuals with ample breasts. This plan may entail various approaches such as breast massage, manual extraction, and alternate nursing postures.

Nilam Mehta - Author

Nilam is the owner and writer of She is an experienced pharmaceutical professional and believes that many of the health problems can be cured naturally at home. She enjoys reading scholarly medical journals and gets inspiration to write up-to-date practical information and resources and makes sure all of the articles are of the highest quality. The best way to reach her is via [email protected]

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